20 Podcasts for Women over 50 that You'll Love 2

20 Podcasts for Women over 50 that You’ll Love

20 great podcasts made just for women over 50 by women over 50. Each podcast offers tips and inspiration just for women our age. If you are a woman in midlife, you’re sure to find one you enjoy.

There’s a ton of advice on things you should be doing in order to be happy as an empty nester. But there’s not a lot of focus on things we shouldn’t be doing if we want to be happy and successful empty nesters. Here’s a list of 10 things that happy empty nesters don't do. Are you still doing any of these things?

10 Things Happy Empty Nesters Don’t Do

Wondering what to do now that the kids have left home and you have any empty nest? Well, here are some things you shouldn’t be doing because happy empty nesters DON’T do these things. Really!